I am thankful I got to hold you in my arms, even when you were seizing.
I am thankful I got to snuggle your warm huge cheeks, even though they were stained with port-wine birthmarks.
I am thankful I got to smell your sweet baby smell, even though it had hints of the 7 seizure medicines.
I am thankful that I captured your first smile on camera, even though you had a feeding tube taped to your face.
I am thankful for your dark chocolate brown eyes, even though the glaucoma eventually clouded them.
I am thankful your sister Chloe got to spend time with you, even though her heart breaks about not remembering.
I am thankful you taught me to fight for you, and now I have the skills to fight for a healthy life for myself and our family.
I am thankful I see you in some way every.single.day.
I am thankful you had one of your first seizures in front of the Director of Childrens Neurology at Children's Hospital.
I am thankful that people live differently because of your life.
I am thankful people will still listen to our story and want to know about you.
I am thankful people still ask about you.
I am thankful for those nurses and those doctors.
I am thankful God gave me a love of writing so I can tell as many people about you.
I am thankful to those who never met you, Austin, but still pray and ride this crazy journey with us.
I am thankful for new person I am because of you.
I am thankful, but hurting. It is all so bitter-sweet. All of it.

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